scholarship for the Intermediate first year students

The scholarship for the Intermediate first year students was done in the website:

First you need to click on the fresh application Registration so that you can fill in the details.If you click on that you can see that it asks for fresh registration to be confirmed so you need to select No there because you are applying it for the first time.

After that you will be asked by the SSC pass type in which you can select the pass type of your SSC.You will also need to enter the Hall Ticket number of SSC and its pass year.

After entering you will get all your details of SSC and also your personal details.So that by providing all your details about your bank account and all you can apply for the scholarship and the hard copy of the application of scholarship should be submitted to the Institution.

The following are required to apply for the Scholarship:

SSC ID (Hall Ticket) Number to access the application

Caste Certificate

Income Certificate

The following documents must be scanned & uploaded on the website.

Caste Certificate

Income Certificate

Latest photograph.

Savings bank account number in the name of the student and joint account for students below 18 years i.e. in name of student and parent

Further the following fields are mandatory in the online application form:

E-mail account.

Mobile Number

Bank account no of any scheduled bank having online facility, with correct IFSC
