The field of medical studies has witnessed widespread development over the years. The medical profession is constantly refurbished by new ideas and new technologies.
Course structure of MBBS:
The entire course of MBBS is divided into 3 sections (Ist MBBS - 1year, IInd MBBS - 1.5 years and IIIrd MBBS - 2 years).
Ist MBBS has 3 main subjects in it. Anatomy, Physiology and Bio-Chemistry.
  • The science of the structure of living organisms.
  • The study of the organ with respect to their normal functions.
  • Applied to diagnosis and treatment, clinical practices.
  • Field of study concerned with the changes that cells, tissues, organs and the body as a whole undergo from fertilization of a sebcocyte to the resulting offspring. It includes both parental and post natal development, that is dealing with structures visible with the unaided eye.
  • The science of the functioning of the living organism and its parts and the physical and chemical factors and processes involved.
  • The large process underlying the functioning of a species or class of organism or any of its parts or processes.
  • The study of disordered function or of function in diseased tissues.
  • The chemistry of living organisms and of vital processes.
IInd MBBS has 4 main subjects. Pathology, Pharmacology, Micro-biology, Forensic Medicine.
  • The branch of medicine dealing with the essential nature of disease, especially changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease.
  • The structural and functional manifestations of disease.
  • The anatomical study of changes in the function, structure or appearance of organs or tissues, including postmortem examinations and the study of pro biopsy speciments (Cytopathology)
  • The science that deals with the origin, nature, chemistry, effects and uses of drugs.
  • It includes pharmacognosy, pharmacokynetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapeutia and taxicology.
  • The science dealing with the study of micro organisms.
Forensic Medicine:
  • The science pertaining to or applied in legal proceedings.
IIIrd MBBS is divided into 2 parts. Part I consists of SPM (Social and Preventive Medicine), Opthomology and ENT. Part II consists of Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics and Gyanacology.
Social and Preventive Medicine:
  • This is a very vast subject dealing with various elements like medical policies, prevention and treatment of epidemics and treatment of diseases in old aged people etc.
  • The branch of medicine dealing with the eye.
  • This includes its anatomy, physiology and pathology.
It deals with Ear, Nose and Throat related diseases.
  • It is the study of any drug or remedy.
  • The diagnosis and treatment of disease and the maintenance of health.
  • The treatment of disease by non-surgical means that deals with the physiologic, medical, psychologic and epidemiologic problems involved in aviation.

  • The branch of medicine that treats diseases, injuries, and deformations by manual or operative methods.
  • The branch of medicine dealing with disease of the genital tract in women.
Today the foucs of medicine is an specialization and even super - serializations within specialist areas. Thus climbing the ladder of success is more complicated and arduous then even before. But the positive aspect is that the opportunities for medical aspirants have multiplied . The diagnosis and treatments that was earlier handled singly by the general practitioner is today divided amongst a posses of specialists and with better results. Thus, specialization is inevitable for the medical students who seeks to carve a niche for himself in this profession.
The major areas of specification are:
General Medicine : these practitioners usually perform the role of the family doctor. They diagnose and treat the every day and sundry ailments. In the event of an intractable sickness, the general practitioner recommends specialist intervention. Qualification: An MBBS degree with a 3 year M.D course in General Medicine or a Postgraduate diploma course in General Medicine.
Anaesthesiologists: Assest in the surgical process to make the surgical procedure as painless as possible.
General Surgery: is a speciallisa- tion where the doctor is trained in Surgery for all organs of the body. The surgeon can latter opt to specific areas. Performance of surgery and post operative care are the forte of the general surgeon. Qualification: MBBS with a 3 years MS Course .
Paediatrics: is a specialized area in medicine that focuse on diagnosis and treatment of children's diseases. Qualification: MBBS +3 year course in Paediarics Cardiology: studies the disease related to the heart and the Circulatory system. Qualification: MBBS +3, years course in cardio-thoracic surgery.
Obstetrics - Gynecology: Studies the diagnosis and treatment of conditions specific to the female reproductive system. Qualification : MBBS + MS in Obstetrics & Gynaecology .
Neurology: treats diseases and diseases and disorder related to the brain and the nervous system. Qualification: MBBS + MS in Neurosurgey.
Dermatology: focuses on problems related to the Skin. Qualification: MBBS + MD in Dermatology.
Ophthalmology: Is the treatment of diseases to the eye. Qualification: MBBS + MD / MD in Ophthalmology .
ENT / Ear Nose Throat Specialist : treat disorders of the Ear , Nose and Throat. Qualification: MBBS + MD in psychiatry.
Psychiatry: Is the branch of that specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Qualification: MBBS + MD in Psychiatry.
Pathology: Is the branch if medicine that investigates the cause of various diseases and the possibilities for their presentation. Qualification: MBBS + MS in Pathology.
Other specialization available are community medicine, physiology , venereology, communicable diseases, anatomy, plastic surgery, nephrology, urology, endocrinology, hematology, etc.
Doctors with post graduation can venture further a field and do a Ph.D in any specialized area of medicine . Those who process MD / MRCR . MS/ FRCS/ an complete the Doctoral programme in 2 years. For those who have an M.Sc in Medicine, the Ph.D programme takes 3 years.
Job Market : Employment opportunities exist in hospitals, nursing homes, polyclinics, health centers, Medical Colleges and Research Instruction. These is also scope for self employment
