ICAR National Talent Scholarships (NTS)

Educational Qualification:The candidate must have passed and obtained not less than 50% (for General and UPS Categories) and 40% marks (for SC, ST, and PH categories) in 10+ 2 examination. Any candidate having compartment! Supplementary in any subject in the qualifying examination i.e. 10 +2 is not eligible for admission. 

One who is appearing for 10 +2 examination in the year of examination can also apply in this test subject to his/ her producing 10 +2 passing certificate on the date of Counseling.

ContactDr. Arvind Kumar, Deputy Director General (Education)
Division of Education, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan - II, New Delhi - 110 012 INDIA.
Phone: (Off.) 91-11-25841760; Fax: 91-11-25843932 E-mail: ddgedn@icar.org.in

For more details Click here
