The government on Thursday launched an anti-ragging website helping students of universities, colleges and professional institutes lodge online complaints against ragging or harassment and seek faster response.
The portal ( launched by HRD minister Kapil Sibal is also expected to maintain a database of students and will be connected to most universities by year-end. Sibal said, "Lot of young students have lost their lives, many lose their confidence because of this practice....Through this facility we want to ensure that culprits get strict punishment.''
The UGC-managed portal has been developed in active collaboration with Rajendra Kachroo, father of Aman who lost his life to ragging at a medical college in Himachal in 2009. According to Kachroo, medical colleges continue to have a disproportionately large number of complaints emanating from them. Students can also register their complaint by dialing 18001805522 as part of the facility, which will be followed up in a structured software system. "The complaints would be examined. If they are of serious magnitude, they would be transferred quickly to the police, the magistrate and head of the institution," said UGC acting chairman Ved Prakash.
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