Bank Note Press Dewas: Technical posts

Application are invited from the Indian Citizen for the under mentioned posts, which are temporary but likely to continue
1. Junior Technician (Control, Printing and Platemaking) W-l level: 219posts
Qualification & Experience
: (i) Matriculation or equivalent examination passed. (ii) ITI/National Apprenticeship Certificate in Printing/ Platemaking/ Offset/ Letter Press/Chemical/ Electroplating trade from Government recognized institution

2. Junior Technician (Ink Factory), W-l level: 25posts
Qualification & Experience:
 (i) Matriculation or equivalent examination passed. (ii) ITI /National Apprenticeship Certificate in Mechanical /Electronic trade from Government recognized institution
3. Junior Technician (Electrical), W-l level: 21posts 
Qualification & Experience: 
(i) Matriculation or equivalent examination passed. (ii) ITI /NAC in Electrical/Diesel trade from Government recognized institution.
4. Junior Technician (Mechanical), W-l Level: 23posts
Qualification & Experience: 
(i) Matriculation or equivalent examination passed. (ii) ITI/NAC in Fitter/Grinder/Miller trade from Government recognized institution.
5. Junior Technician (Crane Operator), W-l level: 01post
Qualification & Experience: 
(i) Matriculation or equivalent examination passed. (ii) ITI/NAC in Motor Mechanic trade from Government recognized institution with driving license of heavy vehicles with 2 years’ experience in operation of mobile crane of 5 tonnes or more
6. Junior Technician (Air-conditioning), W-l level: 05posts
Qualification & Experience: 
(i) Matriculation or equivalent examination passed. (ii) ITI /NAC in Air-conditioning/Refrigeration trade from Government recognized institution
7. Junior Technician (Civil), W-l level: 02posts
Qualification & Experience: 
(i) Matriculation or equivalent examination passed. (ii) ITI/NAC in Plumber trade from Government recognized institution.
8. Retoucher (Designing & Engraving), S-l level: 01post
Qualification & Experience: 
1st class Diploma in Printing Technology with 3 years’ post qualification experience in retouching work in a Government Institute or firm of repute OR Diploma in Fine Arts with 3 years’ experience in process camera. DESIRABLE: Degree in Printing Technology shall be preferred.
9. Deputy Technical Officer (Designing & Pre-Printing), S-l level: 04posts
Qualification & Experience
: 1st class Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/Fine Arts/Commercial Arts/ Computer Science with subject as Computer Graphic/Designing and having 3 years’ post qualification industrial experience OR Degree in Mechanical Engineering/Fine Arts/ Commercial Arts/ Computer Science with subject as Computer Graphic/ Designing with 1year’s post qualification industrial experience.
10. Supervisor (Control), S-l level: 03posts
Qualification & Experience: 
(i) 1st class Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/ Electronics/ Computer Engineering from Government recognized institution. OR (ii) 1st class Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce with Mathematics/Arithmetic up to higher secondary
Fee: A non-refundable Bank Demand Draft of `100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) drawn in favour of "General Manager, Bank Note Press," payable at Dewas (M.P.) is to be enclosed along with the application. No application fee needs to be paid by the candidates belonging to SC/ST/Physically challenged category.
How to Apply: Candidates can submit their applications either by Offline Mode or Online Mode as per details given below:
Offline Mode: Offline Application In the given format (type written in English) completed in all respects, is to be sent in an envelope superscripted “Application for the post of ............................................................" .....Please write Name of Post applied for e.g. Junior Technician (Electrical). Duly completed application should be sent by ordinary post to reach the “Post Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003”
Online Mode: Online Application can be submitted on the website Candidates applying online are required to take print out of auto generated filled in application format, paste their photograph at the appropriate places, put their signature at all pages and send it to "Post Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003" along with prescribed Application Fee and copies of Testimonials, through ordinary post only
Last date: 23.08.2012

For more details Click here
