Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur: Various Posts

Applications Are Invited From the Eligible Candidates for the Following Posts
1. Farm Manager/T-4: 01post

Bachelor’s degree (Agri.)/Bachelor’s degree in the relevant field or equivalent qualification from a recognized University
2. Programme Assistant (Computer)/T-4: 01post
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Application
3. Programme Assistant (Lab. Technician)/T-4: 01post
Bachelor’s degree (Agri.)/Bachelor’s degree in the relevant field or equivalent qualification from a recognized University
4. Stenographer Grade-III: 02post
12th Class pass or equivalent from a recognized Board or University
5. Driver/T-1: 02post
1. Matriculate pass from a recognized Board. 2. Possession of a valid and appropriate driving licence from prescribed Govt. Authority (the candidates will have to pass the practical skill test to be taken by an appropriate Committee of Institute/Directorate)
6. Skilled Supporting Staff: 02post
Matriculate pass from a recognized Board and should know cycling
Fee: An application fee of Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) to be paid through Demand Draft in favour of (ICAR Unit) DRMR, Bharatpur Payable at SBI, Bharatpur Branch should be submitted with application form. However, candidates belonging to SC,ST,PH & Ex-Serviceman are exempted from paying application fee. The application fee is non-refundable
How to apply: Applications should be sent to the Director, Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur (Raj.) 321 303. The envelop should be superscribed “Application for the post of ………………………..”
Last date: 30.11.2012

For more details Click here
