Bharat Electronics limited: Various Posts

Bharat Electronics limited, a Navaratna Company and India’s leading professional electronics Company requires the following personnel for its Bangalore Unit:
1. Technician ‘C’ (Electronic/Mechanic): 10posts
2. Technician ‘C’ (Machinist): 04posts

Qualification: ITI + one year apprenticeship OR 3 years National Apprenticeship Certificate Course
Fee: A Demand Draft /Bankers Cheque of Rs.300/- (SC/ST exempted) drawn on any Scheduled Bank (preferably State Bank of India) payable at Bangalore in favour of “Bharat Electronics Limited
How to apply: Application forms, complete in all respects should be sent to Dy. General Manager (HR/Central), Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post, Bangalore – 560 013
Last date: 26.12.2012

For more details Click here
