CCI New Delhi – Junior Management Trainees (Last date: 22.08.2014)

Cement Corporation of India Ltd.(CCI) is looking for Diploma Holder Engineers and Professionals to join the organisation as Junior Management Trainees at Supervisory level.
Post Details:
Junior Management Trainees

1. Mechanical: 08 nos. 
2. Elecrical: 06 nos. 
3. Instrumentation: 02 nos. 
4. Chemical: 07 nos. 
5. System: 03 nos. 
6. Personnel & Admn.: 02 nos. 
7. Finance: 02 nos. 
Total No. of posts: 30 
Qualification: Full time regular 3 yrs. Diploma in Engineering in the concerned discipline from recognized Indian University/ Institute with not less than 60% marks.
Age limit: The upper age limit is 27 years as on 20.08.2014.
How to Apply: Candidates may send their applications duly completed in all respects as mentioned above by ordinary post on or before 22nd August, 2014 and send at the following address: Manager (Personnel), Cement Corporation of India Ltd., Post Box No. 3061, Lodhi Road Post Office, New Delhi.
